Category: Conscious Business

Doing Well by Doing Good

Tami Simon speaks with Jeff Klein, CEO of Cause Alliance Marketing and author of the new Sounds True book Working for Good: Making a Difference While Making a Living. He currently serves as president of the Conscious Capitalism Alliance and Conscious Capitalism, Inc., cofounded by John Mackey, CEO of Whole Foods Market. Jeff discusses many of the tensions that exist in the workplace between our ideals, our heart ideals, and the gritty realities of business. (53 minutes)

Cyndi Dale: Destiny and the Chakras

Tami Simon speaks with Cyndi Dale, an internationally renowned intuitive healer and the author of several books, including The Subtle Body: An Encyclopedia of Your Energetic Anatomy, Illuminating the Afterlife: Your Soul’s Journey Through the Worlds Beyond, as well as the Sounds True audio-learning program Advanced Chakra Wisdom. Cyndi discusses your destiny and the chakras. (52 Minutes)

Parker Palmer: Living the Undivided Life

Tami Simon speaks with Parker J. Palmer, author of the bestseller The Courage to Teach and Let Your Life Speak: Listening for the Voice of Vocation, as well as being the founder of  the Center for Courage and Renewal. They discuss Parker’s perspectives about what he calls “an undivided life: seeking wholeness in ourselves, our work, and our world.” (79 minutes)

Geneen Roth: No Situation Is Unworkable

Tami Simon speaks with Geneen Roth, author of the best-seller Feeding the Hungry Heart and the Sounds True audio learning course When Food Is Food and Love Is Love. We discuss the spiritual lessons which resulted from Geneen’s financial losses with disgraced investment advisor Bernie Madoff, and how this experience caused her to re-examine many of her long-held beliefs about money, loss, and the preciousness of this moment. (67 minutes)

Corinne McLaughlin: The Politics of Dynamic Change

Tami Simon interviews long-time social change agent and the co-author of Spiritual Politics, Corinne McLaughlin. Corinne explains the coming changes of 2012 in terms of their economic, political, and spiritual significance. She describes the unfolding of a higher evolutionary plan, and the growth in socially responsible businesses and non-adversarial, transpartisan politics. (49 minutes)

Dr. Ervin Laszlo: Tipping Points

Tami Simon interviews world-renowned systems theorist, Dr. Ervin Laszlo. He uses the principles of systems theory as a dynamic framework for understanding the coming changes we face as we approach the year 2012. Find out why dramatic shifts, called tipping points, in Earth’s living system are becoming more and more likely each day. (43 minutes)
