Search Results for: Hank Wesselman

Hank Wesselman: The Re-Enchantment

Hank Wesselman is a paleoanthropologist and a shamanic practitioner who has devoted his life to exploring the mysteries of human origins. He has authored several books and articles detailing his adventures in altered states and shamanic journeys. With Sounds True, Hank has published The Re-Enchantment: A Shamanic Path to a Life of Wonder, which offers a path for reclaiming a sense of wonder at the many joys of life and the universe. In this episode of Insights at the Edge, Tami Simon and Hank speak on his interpretation of the soul—including the personal over-soul and a world-soul that communicates through every living being. They discuss the imperative need for humanity to return to a more balanced relationship with nature. Finally, Hank describes the qualities he sees as necessary for someone to step onto the shamanic path as a teacher. (69 minutes)

Hank Wesselman: Kahuna Wisdom

Tami Simon speaks with Hank Wesselman, who has a PhD in anthropology from the University of California at Berkeley, and for many years studied the origin of the human species in the Rift Valley in East Africa. He is also a student and teacher of shamanic practices and is the coauthor of the Sounds True book Awakening to the Spirit World, with fellow shamanic teacher Sandra Ingerman. His new book with Sounds True is The Bowl of Light: Ancestral Wisdom from a Hawaiian Shaman. In this episode, Dr. Wesselman speaks the lessons he learned from his friendship with the late Hawaiian kahuna and wisdom keeper Hale Makua-including a technique called “the bowl of light” that can help us connect to our divine nature, and the vision of an “Ancestral Grand Plan” for humanity. (58 minutes)

Sandra Ingerman: Shamanism and Spiritual Light

Tami Simon speaks with Sandra Ingerman a shamanic practitioner, psychotherapist, and educational director for the Foundation for Shamanic Studies who has taught workshops on shamanism around the world. Sandra is the author, along with Hank Wesselman, of the Sounds True book Awakening to the Spirit World and the three-part online event 21st-Century Shamanism, which begins August 5, 2010, at Sandra discusses our connected web of consciousness, understanding our individual spiritual aspects, and how developing our shamanistic qualities can benefit others. (60 minutes)

Awakening to the Spirit World

Tami Simon speaks with Hank Wesselman, who has a PhD in anthropology from the University of California at Berkeley, and for many years studied the origin of the human species in the Rift Valley in East Africa. He is also a student and teacher of shamanic practices and is the coauthor of the new Sounds True book Awakening to the Spirit World. Hank discusses what he calls the coming great age in which direct spiritual revelation will take precedence over any type of organized religion, and the import role that shamans hold today in connecting the dream world with present reality. (64 minutes)
