Category: Spirituality

Andrew Harvey: The Love of Divine Rebels

Tami Simon speaks with Andrew Harvey, a poet, writer, teacher, and mystic. Andrew is the founder of the Institute for Sacred Activism, and is the author and editor of many books, including The Direct Path and Son of Man. He has created several audio programs with Sounds True, including the 13-part audio series with Caroline Myss called Divine Rebels: Saints, Mystics, Holy Change Agents—and You. In this episode, Tami speaks with Andrew about why we need both the fire of devotional practices as well as the coolness of contemplation, how there are actually two dark nights of the soul on the spiritual journey, the importance of shadow work, and what is “the whole mystical truth.” (72 minutes)

Judith Blackstone: Embodiment and Spiritual Sensitivit...

Tami Simon speaks with Dr. Judith Blackstone, an innovative teacher in the fields of psychotherapy and contemporary spirituality. With Sounds True, Judith has created the audio course The Realization Process: A Step-by-Step Guide to Embodied Spiritual Awakening and has authored the books The Intimate Life: Awakening to the Spiritual Essence in Yourself and Others and Belonging Here: A Guide for the Spiritually Sensitive Person. In this episode, Tami speaks with Judith about the gifts and challenges of spiritual sensitivity, what it means to be transparent to life, how getting in touch with the internal space of the body connects us to the outer world, and what a definition of spiritual maturity might be. (63 minutes)

The Power of Emotional Connection

Tami Simon speaks with Raphael Cushnir, a leading voice on emotional connection and present moment awareness. He is a faculty member of the Esalen Institute, the Kripalu Center for Yoga and Health, and the Omega Institute for Holistic Studies. His books include Setting Your Heart on Fire, and with Sounds True he has created an audio based on his book The One Thing Holding You Back. In this episode, Tami speaks with Raphael about the nature of emotional connection, what he calls “emotional surfing,” and a way that two people can intimately collaborate through a method that he calls communing. Raphael also shares a practice to deepen the emotional connection process. (69 minutes)

The Aramaic Jesus

Tami Simon speaks with Neil Douglas-Klotz, a world-renowned scholar in religious studies, spirituality, and psychology. Neil directs the Edinburgh Institute for Advanced Learning in Scotland, and is the author of The Hidden Gospel and The Sufi Book of Life. With Sounds True, he has published the book Blessings of the Cosmos and three audio learning courses, including I Am: The Secret Teachings of the Aramaic Jesus. In this episode, Tami speaks with Neil about how to appreciate multiple interpretations of scriptural text, and what the “I Am” sayings of Jesus were meant to communicate to his disciples. He also offers a body prayer meant to give us a somatic experience of the teachings of Jesus. (57 minutes)

Creativity as Faith in Running Shoes

Tami Simon speaks with Jan Phillips, an award-winning writer, artist, photographer, and workshop leader. Jan is a cofounder of Syracuse Cultural Workers, and is the author of the books God Is at Eye Level and Marry Your Muse. With Sounds True, she has produced the 12-session audio learning program, The Marry Your Muse Workshop: Making a Lasting Commitment to Your Creativity. In this episode, Tami speaks with Jan about the Artist’s Creed, a manifesto she wrote to support aspiring writers when they confront their blocks and fears. She also speaks about the connection between creativity and leadership, and why Jan believes creativity is the ultimate act of faith. (49 minutes)

Jewish Meditation

Tami Simon speaks with Rabbi David Cooper, one of today’s leading teachers of Jewish meditation. Rabbi Cooper is author of many books, including God Is a Verb and The Heart of Stillness. His programs with Sounds True include Invoking Angels, The Beginner’s Guide to Kabbalah, and two six-CD audio learning courses, Mystical Kabbalah and Seeing Through the Eyes of God. In this episode, Tami speaks with David about the ability of the Sabbath to restore our soul, the power of using Hebrew mantras in our meditation, what angels are and how we can relate to them, and a guided meditation for calling on help and support at any time in our lives. (67 minutes)
