Category: Spirituality

Emotional Commitment and Great Sex?

Tami Simon speaks with Dr. David Schnarch, a licensed clinical psychologist, certified sex therapist, and clinical member of the American Association for Marriage and Family Therapy. David is the author of the books Intimacy and Desire, Passionate Marriage, and Resurrecting Sex, and with Sounds True he has published a two-session audio program called Secrets of a Passionate Marriage: How to Increase Sexual Pleasure and Emotional Fulfillment in Committed Relationships. In this episode, Tami speaks with David about the four drives of sexual desires, his understanding of integrity and its importance in a healthy partnership, and what it might mean to “hold onto yourself” in relationship. (67 minutes)

Vitality, Courage, Daring

Tami Simon speaks with Tessa Bielecki, former Mother Abbess of the Spiritual Life Institute, and founder of the Desert Foundation, an organization dedicated to fostering interfaith peace and understanding. She is author of Teresa of Avila: Ecstasy and Common Sense, and with Sounds True, the six-session audio learning program, Wild at Heart: Radical Teachings of the Christian Mystics. In this episode, Tami and Tessa have a heartfelt and honest conversation about how we can bring the vitality of monastic living into our everyday life, why the work of balancing polarities is so important to the Christian Mystic, and the transformative power of courageous acts. (62 minutes)

A Courageous Spirituality

Tami Simon speaks with Matthew Fox, a teacher, writer, and theologian. An outspoken pioneer whose books include Original Blessing, The Coming of the Cosmic Christ, and The Pope’s War, Matthew was expelled from the Dominican Order and is now an Episcopalian Minister. With Sounds True, Matthew has published the audio learning course Radical Prayer: Love in Action. In this episode, Tami speaks with Matthew about how we can apply the four spiritual paths in every part of life, the value of grief rituals, the reinvention of Christianity, and what spirituality might look like in the future. (60 minutes)

Awakening the Body

Tami Simon speaks with Will Johnson, the founder and director of the Institute for Embodied Training. For more than 30 years, Will has taught Buddhist meditation and practiced Rolfing, and has developed a unique blend of these two techniques for having a fully embodied meditation practice. He is the author of the books The Posture of Meditation and The Spiritual Practices of Rumi, and with Sounds True he has created the audio learning course Awakening the Body: The Path of Somatic Surrender. In this episode, Tami speaks with Will about how his work as a Rolfer has shaped his approach to meditation, how we can balance all of our perceptions to open ourselves to a complete experience of life, and how the Sufi practice of gazing can lead us to embodied awakening. (63 minutes)

The Trickster Redeemer: Woof, Woof, Wanna Play?

Tami Simon speaks with Caroline Casey, whose unique fusion of astrology, compassionate social activism, esoteric spiritual wisdom, and humor is known to audience internationally. Caroline hosts “The Visionary Activist Show” on KPFA in the San Francisco Bay area. With Sounds True, she is the author of the audio learning course Visionary Activist Astrology and the audio program Making the Gods Work For You: The Astrological Language of the Psyche. In this playful yet insight-filled discussion, Tami speaks with Caroline about the myths that are most relevant to our culture at this time, the cultural forces surrounding 2012, and how we can invite the “trickster redeemer” to play an essential role during this time when we most need it. (67 minutes)

Cynthia Bourgealt: Encountering the Wisdom Jesus

Tami Simon speaks with Cynthia Bourgeault, an Episcopal priest, author, and teacher of prayer in the contemplative Christian tradition. She is the principle teacher and advisor to the Contemplative Society and the founding director of the Aspen Wisdom School. Cynthia is the author of The Wisdom Way of Knowing: Centering Prayer and Inner Awakening, and with Sounds True she has created the audio learning course Encountering the Wisdom Jesus and the audio program Singing the Psalms. In this episode, Tami and Cynthia speak about “kenosis,” or self-emptying, as the center point of Jesus’ message, how we can understand Jesus’ life as a sacrament, and how love lives on beyond death. (53 minutes)
