Category: Shamanism

Encounters With Power

Dear friends,

We are all faced with events in life that make it seem like we have no choice in the matter. Think of a time in your life when you thought the situation you faced gave you no choice. As you reflect back on this event, do you still feel that way? Do you still believe you had no choice, or can you now see choices you could not see then? What can you change and what is not in your power to change?

From a shamanic perspective, there are always many more options than we thought we had because, like a quantum physicist, a shaman does not accept the outward appearance of anything. Our solid appearing bodies are anything but solid at the subatomic level. They are mostly empty space—and if that is so, what might we be able to do with them that we thought we could not?

Walk over hot coals? Pass through a wall? Travel great distances in the blink of an eye? Consider what you have resigned yourself to in your life? Is it just a reality to be endured or is it an essence-created test—an initiatory challenge to motivate you to move beyond it?

Examine your feelings about your fate closely. Is there grief? Is there anger and bitterness—perhaps resentment? These emotions can be clues to your fatalism about certain aspects of your life. Who are you trying to punish with your victim stance? Who are you trying to prove wrong or right in the matter?

If you wish, go back and choose a current situation where you feel you are stuck and do the process again.

This process is just one I’ve learned over the years as I’ve sought out extraordinary healers across the globe. I’ve had terrifying, enlightening, and at times hugely entertaining adventures. Power can destroy us or it can raise us up by teaching us and nourishing us. I may not be a master, but I have learned a few things that you may find helpful on your own quest. I share all of this in my new book, Encounters with Power: Adventures and Misadventures on the Shamanic Path of Healing.


Warm wishes to you on your path,

José Luis Stevens

Andrew Harvey: The Shadow Course, Part 1

Andrew Harvey is a prolific scholar, poet, and teacher whose work spans television appearances, audio teachings, and more than 28 books. Working with Sounds True and Caroline Myss, Andrew has created the upcoming online course The Shadow Course: An Eight-Week Journey to Know Yourself and Bring Light to the World. In this episode of Insights at the Edge, Tami Simon and Andrew examine the concept of the Shadow and why it is so important that we learn to work with the greed, fear, and lack of conscience that it contains. They speak on how the Shadow can affect our sense of physicality, as well as how we can work with our Shadow self to truly embrace every aspect of our bodies and sexuality. Andrew comments on “the golden shadow”—innate inner strengths that we displace or deny—and its affects on our social interactions. Finally, Andrew and Tami talk about collective Shadows that exist on the societal level—especially the Shadow of human extinction and the imperative lessons it holds. (65 minutes)

LiYana Silver: “We Are Embodied Light” – Discove...

LiYana Silver is a life coach and public speaker devoted to helping women embrace their innate feminine strengths in every area of their lives. With Sounds True, she has released the new book Feminine Genius: The Provocative Path to Waking Up and Turning On the Wisdom of Being a Woman. In this episode of Insights at the Edge, LiYana and Tami Simon talk about the importance of listening to one’s deepest inner intuition—your own inner “Oracle,” and LiYana guides listeners through a meditation to invoke this Oracle. Tami and LiYana also speak on enduring difficult times and the lessons contained in the dark patches of our lives, including LiYana’s own “Year of Hell.” Finally, they discuss the necessity of accepting pleasure and how to relate to other women in their own unique embodiments of Feminine Genius. (65 minutes)

Rabbi Rami Shapiro: Living in Free Fall: The Path of t...

Rabbi Rami Shapiro is an award-winning author, teacher, and former congregational rabbi whose written prayers are used in books around the world. With Sounds True, he has published the spoken-word offering How to be a Holy Rascal and the forthcoming book Holy Rascals: Advice for Spiritual Revolutionaries. In this episode of Insights at the Edge, Rami and Tami Simon talk about the concept of the “holy rascal” and just what it takes to become one. Rami speaks on his background as a rabbi and how he came to a practice of “nondual Judaism.” Tami and Rami also discuss his encounters with God as a mother figure, and how these mystical experiences led to a burning away of his clinging tendencies. Finally, Rami underlines the importance of ecstatic experiences and why holy rascals are needed now more than ever. (68 minutes)

Theresa Reed: What the Tarot has to say about 2017

Theresa Reed is a recognized expert in the field of Tarot reading who writes, speaks, podcasts, and coaches on the subject. With Sounds True she has released The Tarot Coloring Book, a full-length reference to the imagery and importance of the classic Rider Waite deck that doubles as an engaging coloring experience. In this episode of Insights at the Edge, Tami Simon and Theresa discuss the heart of Tarot and how it’s not simply a passive tool. They speak on the concept of adult coloring books and whyThe Tarot Coloring Book reinforces learning with fun and imagination. Finally, Theresa performs two live readings and interprets their results in the light the current situation in our world. (52 minutes)

José Luis Stevens: Encounters with Power

JosĂ© Luis Stevens is an author, international lecturer, teacher, psychologist, licensed clinical social worker, and the cofounder of the Power Path School of Shamanism and the Center for Shamanic Education and Exchange. With Sounds True, JosĂ© has written a new book called Encounters with Power: Adventures and Misadventures on the Shamanic Path of Healing. In this episode of Insights at the Edge, Tami Simon and JosĂ© discuss his definition of “power” and the necessity of approaching it from a shamanic perspective. JosĂ© relates stories about his brushes with true natural power and how they have shaped his ceremonial practices. Finally, JosĂ© and Tami talk about the various crises now facing the planet—especially environmental ones—and how to take an empowered stance in the face of them. (75 minutes)
