Category: Mindfulness

Body and mind are one… with Thich Nhat Hanh

Enjoy this lovely video from our dear friend, Thich Nhat Hanh, recorded at the Body and Mind are One retreat in Colorado in the summer of 2011. There is something about Thich Nhat Hanh’s presence that just allows for an outpouring of mindfulness, love, kindness, and compassion. When we at Sounds True reflect upon mindfulness, we think immediately of our dear friend, Thich Nhat Hanh, and how fortunate we are to have the opportunity to work with him, something we’ve been blessed with over the last 20+ years. In so many ways, he embodies the work we’re doing here: our values, vision, and mission.

The beautiful and inspiring footage we gathered from Body and Mind are One was edited into a seven-hour online course, which you can enjoy from the comfort of your own home, on a schedule that works for you. More than an ordinary training course in mindfulness, Body and Mind Are One is at once a living transmission of insight from this beloved Zen master and a practical teaching series covering fundamental principles for a joyful life.

What is awakening? The Wake Up Festival presenters res...

Last August, in the beautiful Rocky Mountains, over 800 people gathered together to explore the nature of spiritual awakening, and the mysteries of opening the human heart. Shot on location during our first annual Wake Up Festival, the following video features 16 of our dear presenters and collaborators sharing what awakening means to them.

We invite you to join in the dialogue, as we have come to see that there are seven billion unique perspectives and doorways into awakening – one for each human soul. So, please, let us hear your voice, and your heart. What is spiritual awakening for you?

Embracing vulnerability… with Brené Brown

Brené Brown

Brené Brown

“You cannot access empathy if you’re not willing to be vulnerable.” What a rich and provocative statement from our friend and Sounds True author Brené Brown. There is such a deeply-rooted pull to move toward those emotional-states that we identify as “positive” or “light” or “spiritual” – along with a counter move away from those “darker” or challenging and exposing emotions such as vulnerability, sadness, and grief. But, as Brené reminds us, vulnerability is the ground of all of the so-called positive emotional states, including those of love, joy, and belonging.

When we can allow ourselves to be naked, exposed, to be profoundly touched by whatever appears, we can meet this life – and the sweet, beautiful heart of another – in the most precious way. It is in this turning into the immediacy of our experience, in a truly embodied way, that we come to discover the many fruits of this sacred world. There are times, of course, when doing so is not easy, when it takes everything we have (and more), and feels completely counter-instinctual. But somehow, by some mysterious grace, we learn to stay with what is there, knowing that it has something very precious to show us about ourselves, and about the true nature of love. 

Enjoy the following video from Brené on the gifts of embracing vulnerability…

Erin Olivo: A ‘Wise Mind’ and Regulating Our Emoti...

Tami Simon speaks with Dr. Erin Olivo, an assistant clinical professor of medical psychology at the Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons and the former director of the Columbia Integrated Medicine program. With Sounds True, Erin has created the audio learning program Free Yourself from Anxiety: A Mind-Body Prescription. In this episode, Tami speaks with Erin about three essential skills to help us regulate our emotional reactivity, and explores what it might mean to develop a “wise mind” in relation to our emotions. She also shared on-the-spot tips to help us when we feel triggered by stress, and her insights on how we can reduce chronic negative self-talk. (61 minutes)


Tami Simon speaks with Dr. David Grand, a pioneering psychotherapist, lecturer, and performance coach. Dr. Grand is best known for his discovery of the internationally-acclaimed therapy called Brainspotting. He’s the author of the book Emotional Healing at Warp Speed, and his new book called Brainspotting: A Revolutionary New Therapy for Rapid and Effective Change will be released with Sounds True in the spring. In this episode, Tami speaks with David about what Brainspotting is and why it represents a new evolution in brain-based therapy. Dr. Grand reveals the central insight of Brainspotting—that where you look affects how you feel—and offers a simple practice that you can try right now. (60 minutes)

Jeff Foster: The Deepest Acceptance: Part 2

Tami Simon speaks with Jeff Foster, who was voted one of the world’s 100 most spiritually influential living people by the Watkins Review in 2012. Jeff teaches from his own awakened experience, belonging to no tradition or lineage, and makes his teaching accessible to all. With Sounds True, he has created a new book, The Deepest Acceptance: Radical Awakening in Ordinary Life, and an accompanying audio program. In this second half of a two-part interview, Jeff speaks with Tami about addiction, physical pain, and the core challenge of being with discomfort. He also talks about illusions about spiritual awakening as a permanent state of bliss and what “real spirituality” might mean. (74 minutes)
