2012 and Natural Time

Tami Simon: You’re listening to Insights at The Edge. Today I speak with Dr. Jose Arguelles. Jose is someone that I worked quite closely with back in the mid 1980’s. We produced a ten part radio interview series for a local, Boulder County public radio station called KGNU. I haven’t been in touch with Jose for quite some time…for well over two decades. I’m so happy to have this chance to speak with Jose on Insights at The Edge. Jose Arguelles is well known for his role in organizing the Harmonic Convergence event in 1987 as well as for his book, The Mayan Factor: Path Beyond Technology, published the same year. He’s also the founder of The Planet Art Network and The Foundation for The Law of Time. In addition he is a contributor to a recently published Sounds True anthology, The Mystery of 2012: Predictions, Prophecies and Possibilities. I spoke with Jose about the significance about the year 2012 in relation to the Mayan calendar. We talked about natural or lunar based time and how he believes we have the opportunity now to enter a new era of advanced mental development in which telepathy will become our primary method of communication. Here’s my conversation with Jose Arguelles.

TS: Jose, I haven’t talked to you in slightly over two decades and what I’m curious about just to begin is here we are approaching 2012. You and I talked about 2012 back in a series on Earth Shift in 1987. What I’m curious about to begin is how you’re views of 2012 may have changed in the last two decades and where you are now in looking at 2012?

Jose Arguelles: Well that’s a provocative question. I don’t know how much my views have changed or not changed. My perception has always been that 2012 is a major evolutionary shift point. I think that over the two decades…through my own investigations, meditations, and research that I think I’ve refined my definition of that shift point to, among other things for instance, having to do with the shift from the biosphere to the noosphere…from one state of biological evolution to another one in which the mind becomes the paramount factor in our existence. Also that 2012 has to do with a shift in our timing frequency…the timing frequency of the human species…the timing frequency of the planet and a realignment of our perception of time with the universal timing factor which is actually the factor of synchronization or synchronicity. I think that those two points—the noosphere transition and the shifting of timing frequencies might be the major ways in which I have amplified my view, which is still that we are approaching a major impending shift in consciousness and a shift in the quality and state of our very being.

TS: Let’s go into both of these points in a little more detail because I’m not clear that I’m following you, actually on either of them. So let’s start with this transformation from the biosphere to the noosphere. Can you go into more detail and especially what you mean by the noosphere?

JA: The biosphere as we know it, the biosphere defines the sphere of life and its support system on our planet. This is a term that was coined back in the 19th century but the Russian Scientist, Vladimir Vernadsky was a key proponent in identifying all of the different factors and cycles of the biosphere. What we often refer to more generally as the “environment” is actually more specifically the biosphere. Now according to Vladimir Vernadsky and also Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, the situation of the biosphere has been greatly impacted by the human species and in particular by the human species capacity to think and to apply its thought in the creation of machines, civilization and so on… and in the perception of both of these men for the first time in history the human species is creating an event of geological importance, shifting the very geological make up of our planet and in so doing anticipating an evolutionary change. We experience this impact as what we generally refer to as global climate change while we’re talking right now the Copenhagen conference is occurring trying to cope or deal with that in some way or measure. This climate change from the point of view of the biosphere is the result of the impact of human though upon the environment. Human thought in the form of machines and civilization. This impact is what Vernadsky defined as being of the nature of creating a type of geo-chemical combustion…the heating up of the earth and in this process accelerating a state of molecular change, chemical change that would be anticipating a transition to a new state. Now both gentlemen were in Paris in 1926 along with a little known French Philosopher Juelle Le Roy who was a student of Henri Bergson and they were all together trying to determine the name and definition of the new evolutionary state that would follow the biosphere and they determined that this new state would be the noosphere. The noosphere literally means the mental sphere of the earth representing a discontinuous envelope that penetrates the biosphere and covers the earth. They saw that at one point when a critical stage was reached, when the biosphere would be critically impacted by the effect of human thought that there would be a shift…an evolutionary shift to the noosphere. While Vernadsky emphasized that this was going to be due to the release of free energy, toxic waste, pollution, and so on. De Chardin emphasized that this would come about through the creation of increasingly intricate networks of human intelligence, what we might today call the cybersphere. We have at this point the two components of that both men felt were necessary to create this critical moment that would pass into the noosphere. One, we have the accelerating global climate change and on the other hand we have the creation of a virtual noosphere in what we call the cybersphere allowing us to be having this communication, for instance. They saw that there would be this moment when there’s be some type of quantum shift and then we would enter into the noosphere where we would experience a different state of consciousness. From all of the work that I was doing with the study of the Mayan calendar and so on and the 2012 date…I perceived maybe ten years or so ago that this shift point was precisely what was being pinpointed by the Mayan calendar date of December 21, 2012.

TS: OK, so not to be too slow here, but I’m still not quite understanding what it means to shift into the noosphere. I mean I followed you in terms of the human impact on the biosphere and climate change and I’m with you in terms of the cyber space phenomenon and communication, but what does it mean that we’re shifting into a noosphere?

JA: That’s an interesting point. There is of course a lot of discussion about that, and a lot of people have started to pay attention to that and what that seems to refer to is that what we’re talking about is something that in some ways can hardly be talked about. It’s like we’re talking about when, for instance when water come to boil and it goes from a state of being a liquid to a state of being a gas. We’re talking about a type of shift of that nature where we actually experience an alteration of our consciousness. This is something that I feel is anticipated by a critical mass coming into processes of synchronized meditation, say…through that same kind of meditation creates a field which then comes to approach the nature of telepathy. For instance, today in the cybersphere we have virtually instantaneous communication that can occur multiply around the world. This is what I refer to as virtual telepathy. In the noosphere we will be in a state of telepathy where we will be able to communicate telepathically at will with different people around the planet. I think maybe that issue, or that point of telepathy is the best way of communicating what the shift to the noosphere will be.

TS: Well of course there are individuals who are quite telepathic and already are living in that kind of space, but what you’re saying is that at some point in time –that you’ve identified as 2012—collectively we will all be more telepathic?

JA: Yah. Exactly. We’ll move into a phase that where there will be a critical mass who attains this and then very quickly after that that we’ll move into a state where we all become telepathic. In other words, if we look at the difference species of life…different animals, even insects…we observe that they are all in some form of instinctual telepathic communication with each other. They don’t use language, they don’t use words like we do but yet they are able to inform each other and to communicate by some time resonant frequency or telepathic signals and so maintain their forms of community. The human species, which we know as you said that there are people who are telepathic. There are people with paranormal gifts and so on, but by and large the human species has shut itself off to its innate telepathic or paranormal capacities by an overreliance on artificial contrivances and the types of technology that they have created. In other words, the technology takes the place of instinct but in so doing it tends to shut off the capacity for telepathic communication.

TS: Is there is a litmus test? Now we’ve entered the noosphere?

JA: Well we’ll all know it.

TS: OK. Fair enough. So we’ll move to your second point that you highlighted in terms of coming into a greater relief with your work around 2012. What you called The Timing Frequency. Can you help me understand that?

JA: Yes. From the work that I had done with the Mayan calendar, particularly in the Mayan factor, from that my investigations took me to focus first of all on the mathematical structures underlying what’s called the Mayan calendar. I started to experiment in living the different cycles, like the 13 day cycles and the 20 day cycles and the 52 and so on just to see what difference there might be. I began to perceive one thing and that was that to live by these types of cycles in this way is obviously to put yourself at variance with living according to the clock and according to the timing standard that most of humanity follows today, which is the Gregorian calendar. I was in Geneva, Switzerland exactly 20 years ago, December 10th, where you are, 20 years to the day that I was in the Museum of Mechanical Time in Geneva, Switzerland, and after a couple of hours I realized that what the perception of time which was taken for granted as being time in that museum was actually just a perception of mechanical, artificial time. Everything was based on 12, and I noticed that in the Mayan calendar everything was based on 13. I had a big AHA! moment and I saw in a flash that the human species for the last 400 years have been living on this mechanical artificial time and as a result of it had been able to create this mechanical artificial civilization, a mechanical artificial technosphere which actually keeps accelerating, it keeps accelerating in time. I saw how it was like this vast intricate vehicle that was careening at an ever faster speed out of control…deviating ever farther, and farther, and farther from nature and not realizing that to sustain itself it had to consume all of the resources of the world and was actually in the process of destroying the props…I saw humanity like being a man sitting on a tree limb who was sawing the limb that he was sitting on. All of this was due to having immersed itself in an artificial time which I saw the timing frequency 12:60–Irregular, artificial 12 month calendar and mechanical 60 minute hours. It’s interesting that the Gregorian calendar was finally reformed. That reformation took place in 1582 and within 30 years after 1000 years of refinement the mechanical clock came into existence…and these two devices, these two timing programs…the macro program of the 12 month calendar, and the micro program of the 60 minute hour combined to create an unconscious mental frequency which was perfected precisely at 1618, the beginning of the final Baktun cycle of the Mayan calendar and that whole 13th Baktun from 1618 to 2012 is the balloon of artificial time and I saw that this artificial time everyone’s locked into it. The philosophy of time is money…that’s what they’re having so many problems with at Copenhagen…no one wants to give up their money. Everyone want their money, and no one wants to give up their machines…and not realizing that that’s just an obsession that’s been driven by this artificial timing frequency. I saw simultaneously that what the Mayans knew is that there’s an actual timing frequency which I referred to as the 13:20 timing frequency. It’s a mathematical ratio constant. People say, “how can you describe the 13:20 so I can understand it?” We have 13 major articulations…two ankles, two knees, two hips, two wrists, two elbows, two shoulders and our neck…and we have 20 fingers and toes, so we’re the living incarnation of the 13:20 timing frequency…that way we have all of the equipment that we need in our psycho-biological make-up. All of the rest of the biosphere in the natural time. Only the human species deviates from the natural time and functions very, very stubbornly according to its timing frequency and because of this has been destroying and devouring the resources destroying the biosphere and creating the type of crisis that it’s in at this very moment. The change in timing frequencies is that the natural time of 13:20 frequency which is the universal frequency of synchronization…see, everything in the universe is absolutely synchronized with itself…a whole order of reality which I define as synchronic order…but the human species, because it’s operating on artificial mechanistic time, doesn’t participate in that. Every so often we have experiences of synchronicity that’s the 13:20 time coming into our 12:60 perceptual field, but this synchronicity…the very nature of the universe is synchronicity. When we get to 2012 we’re also talking about this bursting of this bubble of artificial time that we will not be able to sustain any longer this artificial civilization in this way this bubble will burst and we’ll be thrown again into the 13:20 timing frequency. Every part of this consciousness shift is returning this frequency and that’s the universal frequency of synchronization.

TS: OK. Just to ask a couple of questions here. First I’m going to need a little bit of a history lesson. So what happened 400 years ago that we entered artificial time? How did we keep track previously of time?

JA: Previously we kept track by the moon…we kept track in the Western civilization with the Julian calendar, but most everywhere else in the world people were following lunar calendars. The Hebrews followed the lunar calendar, the Muslims had their lunar calendar, the Chinese, and the Japanese…just about everybody was following a lunar calendar which is living on natural cycles. That has its own set of problems too, but that’s definitely living by the natural cycle. The only major calendar that was not like that was the Julian. In 1582…well, let’s go back a few steps in 1519 and following when Mexico and the Mayan civilization was conquered by the Spaniards a certain Bishop De Landa, who was in the Yucatan, noticed that the Mayans had a very, very different kind of calendar. He burned all of the Mayan books except for a few scraps of information that he kept with him. He went back after the burning of the books in 1562; he was called back by the Pope and spent ten years there before being sent back to the Yucatan to become the Bishop there. When he was there he gave them the information that the Mayan Calendar was more accurate than the Julian calendar…that the Julian calendar was ten days off from their celebration of equinox and so on and so forth. Pope Gregory at that point beginning in 1572, sent Bishop De Landa back called his astronomers and said, “We have to refine the Julian calendar.” They refined the leap year days and their occurrences and so on…in 1582 he instituted the Gregorian calendar reform. At that point in time, historically Tami, the Europeans had circumnavigated the globe and basically had said. “This earth is our pearl.” They were able to impose the calendar on all of the conquered peoples, especially the aboriginal peoples of North and South America, and then later on of Polynesia, and Australia, so when 1618 occurred the clock was perfected, the calendar had been imposed on most of the world. The Europeans had the world so there this kind of little clique that occurred in the European consciousness when these two timing devices came together to create this unconscious frequency. Immediately after that we have Galileo, we have what’s called the scientific revolution…which is actually a materialist scientific revolution, we have shortly after that Newton and the discovery of the law of Gravity. We have after that the creation of stock markets in Holland to create the philosophy of time is money and then in the beginning of the 18th century we have what’s called the industrial revolution, which is the application of this principle of time is money as well as this principle of the artificial time and the creation of an imperialist society that basically has world dominance to be dominated by these two timing devices. The calendar as a social programming device; what keeps any society together is the calendar that is uses. So that by the end of the 19th century virtually every country in the world was enslaved by this calendar, everyone was using the clock, everyone was building railroads…you can use look at an example like Japan in 1873 when the emperor decided that if they were going to keep up with the developing world they would have to make a change and in 1873, January 1st he adopted the calendar, instituted the clock, instituted parliament and bingo they went immediately from the middle ages to modern industrial world and that was because they adopted that calendar and put everything into that system see…the calendar is a programming device, it’s a system. I ask people to think if they could imagine a world without February or July or September. People are so deeply in that program, it’s really hard to think of it other than that.

TS: I really appreciate what you’re saying, Jose…but here’ s my big question: I remember recently when I was preparing for this conversation and I was looking at your website on the law of time, and it said, “the most practical application is if we switch to a 13 moon, 28 day calendar, the most practical application of these ideas, and I thought well wait a second I’m having meetings with all kinds of people who aren’t switching to a 13 moon, 28 day calendar…I’m not living by myself in the woods, I’m running a business. How can this be considered practical?

JA: Well listen, there’s probably millions of people who are using the 13 moon calendar today and many of them are running their own businesses. Eastman-Kodak, they’ve been running on a 13 moon calendar for years. They found it’s a much better way to do accounting.

TS: So what you’re saying is that I could live on simultaneous timing systems?

JA: Oh Yah, of course! Listen, the Mayans at their peak, they were living with 17 calendars. It’s just a matter of how much synchronicity that you want to experience.

TS: OK, so let’s pretend that I wanted to live on, I’m just going to keep it simple, with two calendar systems because I already feel kind of…it’s hard for me to schedule and stuff like that. What do I do with the 13 moon, 28 day calendar? How do I relate to that?

JA: OK. For instance today, where you are, it’s the 26th day of the Overtone moon, the 5th moon. What you do for your basic program, you follow the 13 moon program. It’s programmed to begin July 26th which is the rising of Sirius. It’s a galactically oriented calendar. You’ll see that there’s a whole sequence of harmonic patterns that you begin to live by and these harmonic patterns are what tune you into the synchronicity. Secondarily, you can see, Overtone moon 26th…that’s December 10th and you can go do your business stuff. So it’s like you’re creating, you’re saying, “Ok, as long as this world exists like this I got the Gregorian Calendar as my business calendar, but the 13 moon calendar is how I’ll begin to experience the synchronicities and expand my own cosmic nature.” It also makes the patterns of the Gregorian calendar part of the larger pattern of synchronicity.

TS: So I’m not quite clear how following a different calendar opens me up to synchronicity?

JA: Well, I’ll tell you something…if you’ve never tasted an apple before, you have to take a bite of the apple to really understand it, OK?

TS: Fair enough.

JA: You have to try it. You have to test it yourself and then you will see that you are beginning to live different patterns, but you have to see it yourself and when you begin to live the different patterns you will begin to see you are actually increasing your synchronicity and your experience of synchronicity and that actually an experience of expanding your consciousness.

TS: Yah. That makes sense to me. You mentioned that nature itself is working on a 13:20 calendar. That nature itself is in this synchronic order, and I wasn’t 100 percent clear about that. How is nature working…I would think that nature doesn’t have a calendar…

JA: Well nature does have a calendar. Nature had a calendar that operates through the synchronizations of natural moments…like the moon is a natural calendar for instance. Also, birds when the sun’s going down they have a big chirping song fest and then they go to sleep and then the first light of day comes and then they’re up. So the natural calendar, those are all patterns of synchronization. So everything is operating with these patterns of synchronization in nature. Every creature knows where to go, what to do, and that’s because they are synchronized with themselves, they are synchronized with the flow of time. Time is of the mine. Time is the 4th dimension. It’s invisible, you can’t touch it. But it organizes absolutely everything. Everything is nature is organized by time to be synchronized with itself, to be synchronized with its environment, to establish the large harmonic pattern of what we call the universe. All of that is organized according to a universal constant which the mind has discovered, which is a 13:20 mathematical ratio, and that everything in the universe is synchronized…you don’t see two moons, you see one moon and it’s synchronized with your perceptions…everything is synchronized. We have the idea that time is linear, or that time is like how many seconds you have left to do this or that or how minutes or how many hours you have to do this before you get paid, but the actual nature of time is that time is the universal factor of synchronization. This is the actual nature of time throughout the universe and our philosophy in the present civilization is that time is money; everything is prorated according to how much money it costs in a certain amount of time or what you can do to get paid for a certain amount of time. That is all just artificial stuff. The actual nature of time is that time is a factor of synchronization. Time is harmony…the harmony of nature is a function of time. That’s why I always say, “Time isn’t money; time is art.” You’ve never seen an ugly sunset; time is art.

TS: OK. Now I want to…in listening to you I’m motivated to explore this synchronic order and the 13 moon calendar but I’m still not clear how I would actually experience this in my own life, how I would enter this…do you know what I mean? Can you help me?

JA: Like I said, if you really were serious about this then you would get a 13 moon calendar, locate yourself where you are and then begin to follow it and begin to follow the patterns. As I said, time is a matter of the mind. Once you begin to follow the 13 moon calendar you’re placing yourself in synchronization with different cycles and different patterns that just are not possible in the time that you’re doing your business in.

TS: OK…so now in 2012 what will happen to our calendar system? What’s your view?

JA: My view is that by the end of 2012 people will abandon the present calendar system and that…there’s going to be a lot of different things happening between now and 2012. As we know, the pace of things is accelerating very rapidly and we’re going to be experiencing further social upheaval and social breakdown. We’re going to be experiencing much further natural upheaval and some catastrophic types of events. We will be coming to a point where I believe by 2012 that we’re actually going to be experiencing some type of unprecedented type of spiritual awakening by people who begin perceive more and more that what has been working really isn’t working anymore. That this artificial world is not going to solving the problems that we need to be moving in some other radically different kind of direction and really taking the responsibility for realigning ourselves with the natural order because we have rejected our role in the natural order and put ourselves above it…imposed our mechanical artificial methods and ways on this…extracted everything we could from it just do we could make money. It’s because of that that we’ve come to this totally, totally degraded situation that we’re experiencing on this planet. More and more people begin to wake up and see that and realize that no matter what it is that’s going on that we have to realign ourselves with nature and this realignment with nature will dispose people more and more to finding a more natural pattern or way of aligning themselves in nature and in time and for that reason we’ll begin to understand that a new way or a new pattern of time has to be adopted or created to create a new way or a new pattern of life on this planet. We’re talking about a major change in the pattern of living.

TS: Well in terms of the litmus test…did the predictions about 2012 actually happen? The first point you made that we’re moving into a noosphere and I asked, “How will we know if this shift has happened?” and you said that we’ll just know it. So it seems that there really wasn’t a clear external test to apply, but when it comes to what calendar are we using as a collective group of people come 2013, 2014 it seems like that will be something that we’ll be able to just look around and see?

JA: Yes exactly. The whole purpose of developing the 13 moon calendar program…the process that I’ve been involved in for the last 20 years…like when I was in The Museum of Time in Geneva and I had this Aha! moment, I immediately saw that the first thing that I had to do was to replace the Gregorian calendar with the 13 moon, 28 day calendar. I just saw that, and after a while I began to understand what that meant and understand the mathematical laws behind it and so on. There’s a lot of mathematics behind all of this. Then I saw that I begin to promote this 13 moon calendar and I saw that that was part of my responsibility and it was pretty tremendous type of thing so I thought, “That’s incredible! How can I do this? I’m supposed to overthrow the Gregorian calendar and tell people their calendar is wrong or something?” I went around the world several times, easily, with this message that we’re living in the wrong time and that we have to change time, we have to get in the right time. I went everywhere from Japan and Russia and India and everywhere with this particular message. I later then started looking at the history of calendar reform and saw that there was a huge calendar reform movement in the late 1920’s and 1930’s spearheaded by the International Chamber of Commerce and they were promoting a 13 moon 28 day calendar back then. The League of Nations was ready to go for it but it was stopped by the Vatican who of course had the largest vested interest in the Gregorian calendar, Pope Gregory instituted it. I went to the Vatican to talk to them about this and all they did was pass the buck and say that they didn’t have the power that they used to have, ha ha…so you’ve got to go to the United Nations. I went to the United Nations too…they all know about it, they’ve all seen it. I’ve gotten commendations from Kofi Anan and from the head of UNESCO and everybody sitting on the edge…no one wants to make the first move. I don’t care because people have been picking up the banner of doing this and we’ll get to that point, as I said, in 2012. People say, “Well if we’re going to have a better way we have to change the time!” We can’t change the time; we can’t have peace if you’re still in the old time. It’s really simple.

TS: You know, listening to you I totally respect the vision that you’re coming from, and even think you’re right, but the rationalist in me just thinks, “That’ll never happen.”

JA: All of the rationalists say that. I’ve encountered more than my share of rationalists around the world…

TS: I’m sure…and I’m not trying to irritate you, but I’m curious. What do you say to that?

JA: Well, you’re entitled to your opinion, but if I listened to you and every visionary that ever existed would listen to every rationalist that ever existed the world never would have made any progress at all.

TS: Well of course that’s true, and I’m enjoying talking to you so I want to ask you another question. I remember back when we talked back in 1987, part of the promise of 2012 included the earth entering some kind of galactic federation and I remember you used that term, “The Galactic Federation,” and what I thought that meant was, OK, in 2012 there’s finally going to be some kind of acceptance in the newspapers or somehow, credible acceptance of extra-terrestrial life and maybe I misinterpreted what you were saying, but I’m just curious do you still have this idea that we’re going to enter a “Galactic Federation,” and what does that mean?

JA: Well that’s still very much part of the script that we’re working with because first of all, yes we do believe and know that there is other intelligence in the universe besides ours. We also know that there is higher intelligence than ours in the universe. The reason why all of our mystics and great yogis and saints and everything throughout history, like Milarepa for instance, they also know what I have attained is what the whole human race is supposed to attain. We’re supposed to go to a super human state, OK. In the universe, beings or intelligence that hasn’t attained this super human state and some of this intelligence that’s monitoring affairs on our planet we refer to as the “Galactic Federation.” It’s interesting that you bring that up because I’ve been following a process in very recent days brought to my attention…we have one website, www.noosphereforum.org, and our website manager there is a young Serbian scientist named Boris Petrovich and he’s been following a lot of things, like a lot of information. He brought to my attention a BBC News story from last week or so that reported that Bulgarian scientists say that aliens already exist on earth. I decided to pursue this. It was an interesting story. There’s a man named Dr. Lachezar Filipov who is the head of the Space Research Institute of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences. He apparently had a news conference reporting some of the research that they had been doing…apparently one of the things that had come out was the belief that there are actually what we call aliens or extra terrestrials are already among us. The main thrust of his research and his investigations had been to establish telepathic communication with extra terrestrial intelligence. Carl Sagen and his group back in the 60’s and 70’s had the S.E.T.I (Search For Extra Terrestrial Intelligence Project) and also the C.E.T.I (Communication with Extra Terrestrial Intelligence). Dr. Filipov and his colleagues are engaged in a very large study and the also engaged in…they enlisted people involved in this whole investigation all sorts of different, very notable Bulgarian academicians and historians, artists, and architects and so on, to develop some type of extra terrestrial communication. Well they had been doing this for a while and one of the ways that they found out from one of the more psychically attuned people that the extra terrestrial intelligence said, “You ask the questions, and we’ll give you answers in the form of crop circles. You can go see this on their site, www.ourplanet.cc. You’ll see from very interesting crop circle responses that came to some of their questions. Through this they have determined that we’ll have in 2012, we’ll have what I would refer to as a type of telepathic intervention.

TS: What does that mean?

JA: What that means is that there will be enough people on the planet attuned to this that there will be a type of collective communication to a large number of people simultaneously with regard to the existence of extra terrestrial intelligence and they’ll be giving us instructions about the ways in which they intend to assist us out of our particular moral dilemma. OK. It’s interesting that in the process of their investigations, Dr. Filipov has a number of criteria for a choice of human mediator between the extra terrestrial intelligence and ourselves and the requirement for the human mediator is that he or she has to have skills of extra sensitivity to be able to communicate telepathically. The mediator has to be capable of global thinking…has to be able to think globally about the future of our planet and to abandon all personal ambitions, such as career, fame and money so that there’s no intervening selfish thoughts in the communication process. Thirdly, the mediator will be able to perform actions without a personal interest so that they can have a mind that is thoroughly focused and be able to pick up the communiqués and create the type of intricate geometrical patterns which we see in the crop circles. This I thought was a very interesting development. Since the BBC news story came out Dr. Filipov has come under tremendous fire from the Bulgarian government and he has said to issue somewhat of a disclaimer saying that this is all his personal research and that he didn’t mean to involve the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, etc…it’s kind of typical kind of thing that happens when someone like that comes under fire. But he is very insistent that this level of research and information be pursued…that one of the things that the extra terrestrial intelligence is always interested in looking at is what the “official response” is to their communications.

TS: Jose, I think part of what I’m curious about is… what’s the importance in the relationship between awareness of extra terrestrial life, aliens among us, and what’s happening in 2012? What’s the importance of this connection?

JA: Well I think that’s very important because on the one hand 2012 represents, what I would say, a peak moment of the global crisis that we’re involved in. I don’t know if you’re aware of Ervin László’s work and his World Shift 2012 Project?

TS: Yes. Ervin Laszlo is actually in our book, The Mystery of 2012 he has an essay in that, yah.

JA: We were going to convene a noosphere forum last summer in Bali it didn’t happen due to economic reasons, but I continue to be in dialogue and communicate particularly with regard to his project. What he is seeing is that at that point that we would be at a crisis and we needed to muster some type of critical mass to deal with it and to begin to think differently than we’re thinking now, for instance in Copenhagen, about these matters. On the one hand we’re going to be at a peak of major, major crisis. Now it’s clear that the world leadership doesn’t have a clue as to how to really deal with it. Whatever they come up with is just different versions of business as usual, and staving things of and dividing the rich from the poor and etc…it’s all just the same shell game that’s being played. So, all that’s doing is aggravating the crisis maximally. We’re going to get to the point where as they say, “We need help!” We need the affirmation that higher intelligence exists, that higher intelligence can communicate with us and the recognition that those in the human race that are capable of this higher intelligence should be listened to at this time so we can move ahead with the process of cosmic, spiritual, mental evolution. That’s to me the significance and the importance of the type of work that’s intended to establish two way communication with extra terrestrial intelligence. That’s the first step. The ET’s don’t want to land on the White House lawn. That’s too uproarious. It would involve a cosmic intelligence operation, but they do want to establish intelligent communication with us. I’ve been doing a lot of work in this direction myself and one of the projects that we’re working with is to establish a larger network of communication with all advanced groups of people on this planet who are thinking outside of the box, and that can be anyone from Ervin Laszlo, to the type of work that Dr. Filipov is doing, or we also have groups we’re working with at the Russian Academy of Science in Novosibirsk and other people who are developing the noosphere concept, including Dr. Roger Nelson at Princeton University. So all of this is intended to create the type of telepathic receptivity among a critical mass of people who are networked together who are open to this process and possibility so that when we get to that 2012 point that the engagement of the extra terrestrial intelligence with an intelligently put together network of human beings who represent a minor, but critical mass of intelligence attuned to this so that can actually occur so that we can begin to manifest and demonstrate the types of solutions that we need to overcome the crisis that we’re in.

TS: What is your own experience of receiving telepathic communications from higher beings, extra terrestrial beings?

JA: Well I’ve had some experience with that, let’s say. In particular in the last three years…I mean on and off through the years, even when I was talking to you about the Galactic Federation I’d had some communications of the telepathic nature that had come to me. Some of this was focalized around the Mayan agent, Pacal VOTAN, whose tomb was discovered in Palenque in 1952 and which is now a well known type of discovery as far as the Mayan Archaeology goes. It was through studying his tomb and coming into contact with him when I realized that he was actually a very, very higher superior intelligence. His tomb, the dates of his tomb confirm the 12:60 and the 13:20 that I talked about. It was dedicated in 1692 and miraculously discovered in 1952, exactly 1260 years, and from the time the tomb was dedicated in 1692 to 2012 is exactly 1320 years. I saw that the very facts about that…the dedication of the tomb and the discovery and the timing with 2012 confirmed what I was beginning to discover…the 12:60 and the 13:20…it became more and more throughout that I was somehow or other being guided by Pacal VOTAN and or by other, what I refer to as Galactic Mayans. Now in more recent years…and this also directed me to understand that yes there is a higher existing intelligence in the universe and that this intelligence would like to help, but in respect of the laws of intelligence (if I could say it that way) they want us to use our intelligence to get there before they’ll come in and do something…kind of a Bodhisattvic approach that you don’t impose on the other being but somehow help guide or direct that being to use their own intelligence to realize what has to be done and how to go about communicating with the higher intelligence. In recent years I began to receive some information which is almost all strictly of a mathematical nature which I then began to understand as being a type of coded mathematical language underlying a matrix of universal telepathic communication that is used by the cosmic civilizations throughout the universe. I’m very, very immersed in this particular process of decoding this mathematical structure, which is in some ways a simple structure based on a 21 square matrix…4,4,4,1 is 21 squares. But that involves a lot of other synchronization with the mathematical codes of the synchronic order, but the point is that the telepathic language has an underlying mathematical structure and by decoding the mathematical structure and understanding its patterns then we can enter into communication with higher intelligence.

TS: So it’s almost like you’re receiving Morse code messages but they’re mathematical messages?

JA: Yes, exactly. And then every day I put them into the synchronic order and then I begin to see patterns and very immediate types of synchronicity then create kind of luminous Aha’s! in certain of my synapses and I get what the message unit is saying.

TS: Very good. Interesting decoder that you are…

JA: Well, it’s a process, but I’ll tell you something…really the foundation to be able to function like this, as far as the mental clarity goes, is the Buddhist mediation train. I saw how directed back in the 1960’s to look for a Tibetan guru and all of this kind of thing, but if I hadn’t had that training and that discipline of natural mind meditation…you have to have that clear mind, just like Dr. Filipov says you can’t have any kind of personal whim or whatever trying to slant you or bias you to any type of interpretation. You have to really see clearly. So I emphasize very much the importance of practicing this type of meditation for anyone who want to get into any of this kind of approach to it because that’s the clear mind that’s really required to be able to perceive telepathically, to receive information or anything like that.

TS: Now a couple of other things that I wanted to talk to you about, Jose. One is that the other thing I remember from 1987 that stuck with me was the idea of galactic alignment that in 2012 in the atmosphere that the position of the earth will somehow be aligned with the galactic core. Do you still see it that way? Can you help me understand it?

JA: I think John Major Jenkins has done a lot to shed light on that of the alignment of the earth and the sun with the galactic core…that it would be occurring on December 21st, 2012. What I see is as we approach that point that the process of nature, it’s almost like a natural force that’s going to be impacting more and more on the human and the terrestrial environment so that I see as we get closer and closer to December 21st, 2012 everything becoming more and more silent. It’s like we’re coming down to this zero point. Everyone will be quite transfixed at that point. It will be just a natural tendency to not do anything at that point. Just tune in. I think that that’s what will create this noosphere flip, OK. Because right now humanity is at a bifurcation point…either we’re going to make it or we’re not. We’re either going to destroy the biosphere and ourselves along with it, or we’re not. If we’re not, what does that ‘not’ mean? That ‘not’ means that going in another direction…in the direction of super mental, super conscious development. That’s the bifurcation. We’re going to go along with more technology, more money, more war, more terror or we’re going to go in the direction of the super mental development and I think by 2012 it will become clear that this actually is a choice. We’ll get to this zero on December 21st, 2012 and in that zero the attunement of consciousness to that will be what flips us into the noosphere and suddenly it will be like a shift in consciousness. It’ll be suddenly like we’ll be saying, “Wow! I’m in telepathic communication with a lot of people right now!” Then we’ll start to move forward from that…assuming that we have this type of telepathic intervention with higher extra terrestrial intelligence…at that point also will be the moment when we pass out of this beam, of this galactic synchronization beam that we have been in for 5125 years…we’ll pass out of that and then we’ll enter a phase where we’ll have a rapid restructuring of our thought processes, of our mental processes leading up to another moment in 2013, July 26th, 2013 when we’ll have a full galactic synchronization occurring where we’ll be caught up with what this thing is about and we’ll have a type of…a moment where the new evolutionary state actually just commences full on.

TS: Well Jose I’m so appreciative that I’ve had this chance to talk to you after so many years and I’m curious…we’re speaking…I know you’re in Australia now…why are you living in Australia at this point?

JA: Well I come here to do retreats every so often and it’s remote, it’s very far out of the way and that’s what’s necessary a lot of the type of work that I do which is as I said, more telepathic explorations on the fringes of consciousness and without too much interference from anyone or anything else. So it’s a good way to do that…also I found a place to retreat which is pretty much in alignment with the south magnetic pole and so I’m able to put better resonance that way.

TS: And finally, because I don’t know when I’ll get the chance to talk to you again…I just want to give you the opportunity if there’s anything you want to say to the Sounds True listeners about how to positively create a shift in 2012 if there’s anything else you’d like to say.

JA: We’ve covered a lot of territory and I’ve given a lot of information, but I would just like to repeat several things. One, natural mind mediation…clear your mind, because when things start to get really chaotic, let’s say out there, you’re really going to need a clear mind. Two–that clear mind is going to help you maintain dome kind of telepathic resonance. Three, you can change your frequency by changing over and beginning to follow the other calendar as well, as I described. You can get a free pocket calendar, a 13 moon calendar www.lawoftime.org. We can do it. We can manifest it. The human mind is capable of way more than we have imagined. That will help us go into the nooshpere which is going to be a stage of much more spiritualized consciousness and be positive…grow a garden, become self sustaining.

TS: Wonderful! Thank you, Jose! Thanks for taking the time to talk to us.

JA: It’s been a tremendous pleasure, Tami! I hope that you continue to experiment and enjoy life and try that calendar.